
ChatGPT action projects

ChatGPT actions empower Language Models (LLMs) to automatically invoke APIs, utilizing API descriptions, in order to respond to user inquiries or fulfill user tasks.

This repository ( offers comprehensive guides for creating various ChatGPT actions using Cloud Services. Give us a star if you like it!

Project 1: Connect ChatGPT action with Pokemon APIs on AWS


This tutorial provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on integrating ChatGPT actions with APIs hosted on AWS. In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to enhance ChatGPT’s knowledge about Pokemon by utilizing data from the public API

The ChatGPT prompt this example will use is:

Create an action where users can request information about a specific Pokémon. When a user inputs the name of a Pokémon, your action should utilize the designated API to retrieve details about that Pokémon. Currently, the API response includes only the abilities of the Pokémon. Ensure that your action captures this information accurately and presents it back to the user. Keep in mind that the information provided to users is limited to what is available from the API’s response.

How it works:

  1. User submits a query.
  2. The Language Model (LLM) invokes our Cloud Pokemon API hosted on AWS.
  3. The AWS API Gateway receives the call and forwards it to a Lambda function for processing.
  4. The Lambda function then retrieves data from
  5. The LLM receives the information from the API response and incorporates this knowledge into generating an answer.

Through this process, we can offer comprehensive information about Pokémon by querying For demonstration purposes, we are limiting the scope to:


AWS Lambda function

In this example, Lambda functions serve as the backend for the API service. You can find the source files to create and deploy the function in the aws/lambda/pokeapi_fn folder.

A prerequisite for this setup is a Lambda execution role. If you already have one in place, you can skip this step:

aws iam create-role \
    --role-name lambda-ex \
    --assume-role-policy-document '{"Version": "2012-10-17","Statement": [{ "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": {"Service": ""}, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"}]}'

The output includes the role ARN, such as “arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/lambda-ex”. We will use a placeholder variable ROLE_ARN to represent it.

To proceed, navigate to the folder containing the Python files, create a Zip file, and then create the Lambda function:

cd aws/lambda/pokeapi_fn

aws lambda create-function \
    --function-name pokeapi_fn \
    --runtime python3.12 \
    --zip-file fileb:// \
    --handler lambda_function.lambda_handler \
    --role "${ROLE_ARN}"

Invoke the function to confirm its functionality. The input queryStringParameters will be automatically populated by the AWS API Gateway in the next step.

aws lambda invoke \
    --function-name pokeapi_fn \
    --cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
    --payload '{"queryStringParameters": {"name": "pikachu"}}' \

cat response.json
# Output:
# {"statusCode": 200, "body": "{\"pokemon\": {\"name\": \"pikachu\",
# \"abilities\": [\"static\", \"lightning-rod\"]}}"}

AWS API gateway

We utilize API Gateway to make the Lambda function accessible to the public while maintaining administration control through an API key. This API key will be provided to ChatGPT when invoking our API.

Create API and resources

Follow the steps outlined in the AWS guide to create the Pokémon API, API resources, and link it to the Lambda function:

# Create a REST API
aws apigateway create-rest-api \
    --name 'Pokemon APIs' \
    --description 'Simple APIs wrapping' \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --endpoint-configuration 'types=REGIONAL'

# Paste response['id'] here:
export API_ID='placeholder'
# Paste response['rootResourceId'] here:
export ROOT_RESOURCE_ID='placeholder'  

# Create a API resource `/pokemons` under the root `/`
aws apigateway create-resource \
    --rest-api-id ${API_ID} \
    --parent-id ${ROOT_RESOURCE_ID} \
    --path-part 'pokemons'

# Paste response['id'] here:
export RESOURCE_ID='a11ncw'

# Create a method that calls lambda function
aws apigateway put-method \
    --rest-api-id ${API_ID} \
    --resource-id ${RESOURCE_ID} \
    --http-method ANY \
    --authorization-type "NONE" \

aws apigateway put-method-response \
    --rest-api-id ${API_ID} \
    --resource-id ${RESOURCE_ID} \
    --http-method ANY \
    --status-code 200

# Must use AWS_PROXY, for API gateway to send GET query parameter to lambda
# Replace `uri` with the Lambda function you just created
aws apigateway put-integration \
    --rest-api-id ${API_ID} \
    --resource-id ${RESOURCE_ID} \
    --http-method ANY \
    --type AWS_PROXY \
    --integration-http-method POST \
    --uri 'arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123412341234:function:function_name/invocations' \
    --content-handling 'CONVERT_TO_TEXT'

# Create a `test` deployment to test the API
aws apigateway create-deployment \
    --rest-api-id ${API_ID} \
    --stage-name 'test'

API key and usage plan

We aim to restrict access to our API, which can be accomplished by creating an API key. AWS mandates that the API key must be associated with a usage plan, and this usage plan should be linked to the test deployment we’ve just created.

Let’s follow the steps to set up these components:

# Create an API key
aws apigateway create-api-key \
    --name 'Pokemon API Key' \
    --description 'Used for Pokemon API' \

# Paste response['id'] here:
export API_KEY_ID='placeholder'
# Paste response['value'] here:
export API_KEY='placeholder'  

# Create a usage plan and link with the stage `test`
aws apigateway create-usage-plan \
    --name "Pokemon API usage plan" \
    --description "Pokemon API usage plan" \
    --throttle 'burstLimit=10,rateLimit=5' \
    --quota 'limit=500,offset=0,period=MONTH' \
    --api-stages "[{\"apiId\":\"${API_ID}\", \"stage\":\"test\"}]"

# Paste response['id'] here:
export USAGE_PLAN_ID='placeholder'  

# Add the API key to the usage plan
aws apigateway create-usage-plan-key \
    --usage-plan-id ${USAGE_PLAN_ID} \
    --key-type 'API_KEY' \
    --key-id ${API_KEY_ID}

# Re-deploy the API to apply the change
aws apigateway create-deployment \
    --rest-api-id ${API_ID} \
    --stage-name 'test'

Validate API

Once these steps are completed, we will be able to test the Pokémon API from our local machine:

curl -X GET \
    -H "x-api-key: ${API_KEY}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

# {"pokemon": {"name": "ditto", "abilities": ["limber", "imposter"]}}

Create ChatGPT

At last, it’s time to create a new GPT instance. Provide the prompt within the overview section:

Now, in the most crucial step in this document, let’s proceed to configure the ChatGPT actions.


API schema

ChatGPT is equipped to understand the capabilities of APIs and how to invoke them based on API schemas defined in the OpenAPI format. The follow schema describes the API we’ve just implemented. Copy it into the GPT configuration, ensuring to replace url with your API Gateway URL.

openapi: 3.1.0
  title: Pokemon API
  description: Return the details of Pokemon
  version: 1.0.0
  - url:
      description: Return the details of a Pokemon specified by the name
      operationId: get_pokemons
        - name: name
            type: string
          in: query
          required: true
          description: Name of a Pokemaon

Publish GPT and chat about Pokemon!

After clicking publish, you can now have enjoyable conversations with GPT about Pokémon!